one twenty one

journal of literature and art
One Twenty-One is a national journal of art and literature, created with the goal of centering and uplifting the voices of undergraduate writers and artists at historically black colleges and universities across the country.
At One Twenty-One, our mission is to celebrate the creative arts communities at every HBCU with a journal run by and for the students. Our staff and leadership will always be student-run and student-led, and our journal will always feature artwork and writing that represents the interests, values and aesthetics of HBCU undergraduate students.
We want to influence people to use their imaginations.
We want to get people who think reading and writing is boring to think again.
We want to cross borders other journals wouldn’t dream of crossing.
We want to publish all genres, including new genres or work that bends or blends genres.
We want to expand the scope of a literary journal to include multi-modal art, combining text, audio, and visuals to create something entirely new.
At One Twenty-One, our mission is to make a statement by bringing your creativity to light.